This week for Feature Me Friday, we have Jodi of
tubbytabbyfrom Harrisburg, PA.
Who is tubbytabby?It's my Jewelbox. It's very laid back around here. . . not much
formality. I also have a design shop at
What’s the first thing you remember making?In junior high school we had a pottery class. I had a lot of trouble
with the pottery wheel, so I took my blob of clay & molded it into
an ashtray. I gave this to my grandmother & she kept it up till
her passing away last year. She was 96 years old. I have since
had a great desire to try that wheel again!
Why work with recycled materials?I love the fact that I am reusing something that might have gone
into the trash & is now being repurposed by me. I am always
thinking of new things to recycled & am beginning a process of
recycling plastic bottles into jewelry. The ideas are still flowing,
so as soon as I decide exactly what I am going to do with it,
we'll see how that turns out in the near future.
Where do you work?Since I am a freelance graphic designer, I work from home, so
transitioning into making jewelry has been fairly easy as far as
a work space is concerned. The jewelry has, however, taken over
my office since it began a year ago.
How do you get from A to Z?It is definitely not a straight line to get there! I would say I start
at M, back to B & everywhere in between. Which is why I consider
my art to be very eclectic. I really don't have a certain style or
particular look, I just do what moves me at the time.
What are your favorite tools?I have been lately trying to work with wire, I'm teaching myself
so the process is tedious, but I get very excited when I create
something unique & different. I wouldn't necessarily say I have
a favorite tool, since I create in so many ways & so many
mediums. I use the computer, I paint, I sew, etc.
What music do you listen to while you’re working?This will sound a little strange because I love music. When I'm
working, any noise is distracting to me. So, most times, I work
in the quiet. I might have the television on in the other room for
background noise, but that's about it.
What are the five best things you’ve purchased on Etsy
and where did you find them?Snake beads that I turned into one of my favorite listings from
simplypie.etsy.comI love dragonflies, so the next would be my recent purchase of
a brass turquoise colored dragonfly from
GabrielesGatherings.etsy.comA large pink mosaic focal bead from
I recently sold the necklace I created with it.
A pink clay vagina pendant from
This woman's talent is absolutely amazing.
The pile of destash supplies from
She was going out of business & I think I bought most of what
she had left. It was exciting when the packages came in the mail,
it felt like my birthday!
Read any good books lately?Sadly, I can't remember the last time I read a book. I definitely
need to put that back on my to-do-list.
Been to any great exhibits?I have to say I consider myself a crafter not an artist. When it
comes to art I really don't "get it". I haven't frequented museums
or art galleries—gives me that out of my element feeling.
Who inspires you?I can't say I am inspired by a particular artist or art form. I write
about my life in my blog,
tabbysquawks. My jewelry reflects my
moods most times & life inspires my comedy. If there is any one
person that influences or inspires me I would have to say my
hubby, he keeps me laughing & feeling safe.
What do you do for fun?I shoot pool, hang out with friends and create. I also laugh.
Laughing is extremely therapeutic to me.
Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?I had some items consigned but have since stopped doing that.
I found it wasn't worth it for the amount of sales & exposure I
was getting. I've been trying a few craft shows in my area & several
friends have made purchases, so if you ran into them, you might
see some of my work there.
How do you promote your work?Twitter, Facebook, word of mouth & I hand out business cards a lot.
Have any words of wisdom?Trust your gut. I have made the mistake in the past of not
listening to what my body & mind was telling me. Do what feels
right to you, no matter what anyone else thinks.
What’s in your future?It's funny, but for the last year I have been feeling that Etsy came
to me for a reason. "Something" is about to happen. I'm not sure
what that something is, but I have my eyes wide open & I'm ready
to jump in with both feet!