up close and personal at the Shelburne Falls Farmers Market!
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My family has a vacation home in Western Mass
so once we drove 2.5hrs from Newburyport to get there
I had to make time to drive a little further to meet Lou.
.And boy, I'm glad I did!
Lou is a woman on a mission:
Lou is a woman on a mission:
To take plastic otherwise headed for the landfill
and upcycle it into wearable trashion art.

Upcycled Pet Place Mats and Pouches

---Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags
are consumed worldwide.
That comes out to OVER ONE MILLION PER MINUTE!!!!!
Billions end up as garbage each year.
---According to the EPA, over 380 billion plastic bags,
sacks and wraps are consumed in the U.S. each year.
.---According to The Wall Street Journal,
the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually.
(Estimated cost to retailers is $4 billion)

It's always fun to meet a fellow Etsian,
but even cooler to meet a Trashionista!
.Lou's simple request...