Name: Maura
Shop name: lilgreenshop
Shop address: http://www.lilgreenshop.etsy.
Other sites: http://greenworks.etsy.com
What draws you to using trashion materials?
I am a diehard hoarder that hates to throw anything out - because it's a cert that once I get rid of something I'll find a use for it or need it within a month! Murphy's Law. Plus I hate to see anything wasted - so as well as my own stuff I adopt other peoples "trash."

What trashion materials do you use?
Mostly fabric, old buttons and jewelry, discarded canvas, picture frames, placemats etc, seat belt ends, stones and shells.

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?
Yes - I re-tiled my fireplace using broken tiles that I found in a skip (dumpster) mosaic style. I was in a hurry so it wasn't very refined or artistic but that was what started me off on recycling some of my "stuff."

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
I recently did a glut of sewing - brooches and cuffs and am trying to wean myself away from the sewing machine - it really is addictive! I have lots of picture frames and placemats I want to decoupage next ... but the reality will be lots of different projects on the go at the same time. (Haphazard is my middle name!)

Anything else you'd like to add?
I don't think I should in case I scare folks away sharing the inner workings of my fragmented mind! Um, I guess should say my other interest is screen printing and organic fabrics. That's what the greenworks part of me does. I wish someone had warned me that Etsy can lead to split personalities. As greenworks I co-founded the Etsy Organic Team and that takes up a fair bit of time - but we recently restructured so hoping the new structure frees me up more.