Shop name: The Garbologist’s Wife
Shop address: TheGarbologistsWife.etsy.com
Other sites: TheGarbologistsWife.blogspot.com
What draws you to using trashion materials?
I can’t stand wasting anything and then going out to buy fancy, new & expensive materials. There’s a never ending excess of fabrics floating around in the world. I love to go to my favorite thrift and consignment shops to rummage through the linens… I never know what I’ll come up with. No two things I make can ever be identical.

What trashion materials do you use?
My entire line of clothing is based on integrating upcycled or vintage materials. I will take a perfectly beautiful and gently used blanket or curtain and turn it into a sassy new skirt. I also have a line of accessories where I use a high quality felt that is made from recycled from post-consumer plastic bottles… and it’s animal-free!

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?
Geez, I’ve been using recycled and upcycled materials for my craft since… forever! One of my earliest memories is of a tiny stuffed bunny I hand-sewed when I was about 9 years old. There was a pattern that I wanted to make in one of my mother’s home & garden magazines. I rounded up old bits of fabric scraps from around the house and used some new stuffing my mom gave me. It was a mismatched little thing with pen markings all over it! I still have the bunny today after more then 20 years.

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
I’m working on expanding my upcycled clothing line for women featuring plus sizes. I plan to start selling my work at art fairs and shows in the next months.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Everything I make and sell is 100% animal-free & vegan-friendly!