We're finally back with another fantastic feature...
Rita J Peters of Deja Vu and SenoritaCA !
Rita comes to us from sunny Quail Valley, CA 92587
Hey Rita! What’s the first thing you remember making?
As a child we used to re-cycle christmas cards, make things from brown paperbags, make paperchains out of music sheets or pages from a colorful magazine, paperdolls out of thrown away magazines. We were always treasure hunting at the dump that was back in the day where the trash wasn't processed or bulldozed over and you were allowed to crawl amongst the treasures! Why do you work with recycled materials?
It gives me such pride to be able to take something and re-design it into something current or useable once again. Materials from days of yorn are so much better constructed or made.
Where do you work?
I work on my patio, pictures are attached. I have re-designed my walk in patio as a shop.
Editors note: This looks an awful lot like Santa's workshop!
What are your favorite tools?
Jewelry pliers, scissors, and a dremel.
How do you get from A to Z?
By design!Who inspires you?
Frida Kahlo, Laurel Burch, free spirited artists of which there are many non-descript in our area.
What music do you listen to while you’re working?
Frida Kahlo Movie Sound Script, Frank Sinatra, and it really depends on the weather and my mood.
Read any good books lately?
I read magazines - subscribed to Cowboy and Indian, Belle Armoire Cloth Design, Bell Armoire Jewelry Design and I have tons of bead books that I dive into when I am going to undertake a new challenge.
Been to any great exhibits?
No but my Frida Kahlo charm jackete was on display in Germany at a Frida Kahlo Exhibit.
Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?
I am featured on Ebay, same shop name Senoritaca and I am also showcased in an antique shop in Lake Elsinore called Mora's Antiques - 130 North Main Street, Lake Elsinore, CA.
How do you promote your work?
I have been in the newspaper several times, an article was written up about my work in Antiques, a Riverside County monthly publication that showcases unique people and their works. I float my work on facebook amongst my friends. I also donate items at my church so people will go to my shops on the internet.
What do you do for fun?
Sing in a rock and roll praise team for Celebrate Recovery. It is awesome.
I garden vegetables, herbs and flowers. Go for the hunt in thrift stores, estate sales, Salvation Army, garage sales - nothing more relaxing than doing this. What’s in your future?
I plan on remodeling a space in my home, an attached room, that will be set up as a shop. I plan on taking silversmithing classes to begin that venture.

Have any words of wisdom?
No matter where you go there you are so leave your footprints!
Images & Text © Rita J Peters
wow! look at that big tower of organized drawers!
nice to meet ya!
Love your work space! And love your charm bracelets.
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