please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the
fun-filled details & rules on the events!
now.. welcome to event 2: please leave a comment nominating:
your favourite handmade goodie for kids
.for this event
think unique + handmade for the wee ones.
think of handmade items created for children that inspire!
think of something a child would just adore!
the inspiring Robert Mahar of the
beautiful vintage + handmade emporium for children:
remember, you can nominate yourself + another in EACH event!
PLUS get bonus ballots for twittering,
blogging + facebooking about the handmadeolympics! yay!
the amazing PRIZES
valued at OVER $2000.00 USD, the handmade olympics prize packs
are just gosh-darn fantastical!
this EVENT will award the following prizes!
this EVENT will award the following prizes!
:: a GOLD prize pack
:: a GOLD prize pack
including $150.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to plushroom soup
a $50 gift certificate to paisley baby
a $50 gift certificate to blueshinebaby
+ an *i WON* the handmade olympics banner/button image
to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
:: a SILVER prize pack with $100.00 worth of handmade goodness:
:: a SILVER prize pack with $100.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to small grapes fabrics
a $50 gift certificate to the framed frog
:: a BRONZE prize pack
:: a BRONZE prize pack
of one FREE month of March 2010 advertisting on the rikrak studio blog! yay!
and of course, there will be ONE overall random nomination
selected from all handmade olympics to
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