A little update about the use of recycled materials in fashion in Italy.
by Guest Blogger, Susanna of behaveurbanatelier.
Maybe not everyone knows that Salvatore Ferragamo, aka “the shoemaker of dreams”, was one of the first designers to use recycled materials for his creations...he noted that candy wrappers were a strong material and braided them to create the upper part of his shoes in the 1940s. Due to the big economic crisis during the second world war, expensive materials were not available or affordable. I’ve searched the web for a picture of those shoes but did not find anything! One pair is visible in Ferragamo Museum inside his palace in Firenze (I bring my students there for a visit often and always stress the recycling concept inside that creation!)
And what about today? Italians always prefer quite classic styles and it is hard to market unusual looking products here, in my opinion, if not connected with luxury and properly marketed with expensive campaigns. Here are some examples of high market brands that are surprisingly producing recycled materials collections:
Moma Boma creates bags using vintage newspaper, magazines , measure tapes, and (my favourite) pages from kids school scrapbooks, with maths or other subjects assignments and exercises on.

Architect and fashion designer (like me!) Vincenzo De cotiis creates luxury collections using findings from vintage markets as pieces of lace, embroidery, furs.

Carmina Campus is a brand (designed by a previous Fendi designer) that creates really expensive bags all made out of pieces of different things as shower tubes, tapestry, bottle caps, crochets, all put together.

In the international school where I work as a fashion professor (Lorenzo de’ Medici International) the Fashion Department has organized this year's final fashion show using only second hand garments, to make both the public and students aware of the value of recycled fabrics…the final outfits were so cutting edge!
Recently a primary school did the same thing using plastic bags and , during a fair focused on clean energies in agriculture.

The students of Firenze College of Arts organized a fashion show featuring evening dresses made out of plastic bottles, playing cards, rubber gloves, etc.
In our local Fair Trade Shops (Altromercato) a new collection of dresses made out of recycled Indian saris (the traditional Indian dress) is available.

And then there is me with my little studio-shop in Florence center, supporting and promoting recycling everyday, explaining to people here how is it possible to have new garments from old garments and really feeling it as a mission!

Visit Susanna's shop for more unique upcycled Italian fashion: www.behaveurbanatelier.etsy.com
Thank you for such a terrific and informative post! I love seeing what is happening in Italy, The bags are truly wonderful and the students designs are really fun.
I love your studio shop too, tell us more!
merci bien pour votre travail si créatif et personnel.On a de plus en plus l'éxigence de s'habiller selon ce qu'on est, par des vetements exclusifs, qui exaltent notre personalité. Si tout ça employe des materiels vingtage, c'est le maximum!
Very interesting and I enjoyed all that you've shared here. Love the purses!
Thanks for that history on trashion...very interesting. Loved all the colorful pictures. So good to see so many people involved in this movement, which is not brand new, but coming back due to economic need.
Great article, well written and providing an excellent overview of the Italian movement. Thanks for the education!
Thanks for sharing the history and current events in the fashion world.
The bags are great.
oh I know about Ferragamo! I can't wait to look into your shop!.....
wow I never new that I had so much in common with Ferragamo! Thanks for this article I learned quite a few things about high fashion trashion which I didn't know before. Also I think I'm in love with the school paper purses.
How beautiful! I have been wanting to repurpose some clothing, but have been afraid to try. I need to just DO it!!
I've been trying to figure out how to make something (like a pencil case) out of my daughter's school notes but have not been able to figure out how to treat or seal the paper so that it can withstand use, weather, etc. It looks like the paper used in the purses you showed has been treated in someway to strengthen it - do you know how this was done? Thanks you! Great article!
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I am so happy if I see some young girls who are so fashionable. Just like the photo that you post with young girls. I also love the photo of college girls. They are all gorgeous.
Definitely a great resource for newbies… You explained yourself and I have to say I agree.Thanks for the concise and encouraging info.
The bags are beautiful, especially with the vintage newspaper look. Very cool and creative.
Amazing to know about the recycled materials in fashion in Italy,also the pictures are also great.
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Great article- I love the dresses the children made and the handbag with all the different elements was great- Thank You!
Very interesting! Great site seeing. I love the posts.
Upcycled Fashion In Italy by BehaveUrbanAtelier <--
that's what i was looking for
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Upcycled Fashion In Italy by BehaveUrbanAtelier <--
that's what i was looking for
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I love your blog specially this article. It's a parade of beautiful stuffs and gorgeous ladies.
I enjoyed your blog. The girls are really busy doing their fashion.
digging the upcycled handbag.
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