from Louisville, KY.
Who is Unraveled Revelry?
Just one little gal trying to change the face of consumerism and
live a better life by doing things for myself. The things I make are
useful, but also artistic. I feel like the beauty of life is found in the
everyday. Unraveled Revelry grew out of a desire to not only
eliminate the waste I saw in my life, but to offer others the ability
to limit waste in theirs. When people around me started wanting
reusable bags I knew there had been a shift in popular thinking.
I love to sew. It is both technical and creative at the same time.
I really enjoy the puzzles that present themselves in what I do.
Really it's me just getting to do what I love.

What’s the first thing you remember making?
I was around five years old. I am sure I made things beforehand,
but I don't remember them. The first thing of note was this little
draw string purse I made with my grandmother. It made me so happy.
Why work with recycled materials?
Waste is a devastating tragedy we can't afford to overlook. Growing
up with an appreciation for secondhand has influenced the way
I live and the way I craft. To be stylish as a kid I had to learn to
"Frankenstein" things. It was very empowering. Keeping disposables
from being the everyday norm is something I have a passion for.
So for me it's mostly environmental. The environment as a whole
as well as the one I grew up in. Good stewardship is a virtue I hold dear.
Where do you work?
I have a small studio in my apartment. I look forward to having
more space. It seems like my fabric stash is always threatening
to avalanche on me. It certainly pushes one to be very organized.

How do you get from A to Z?
Each of my pieces are dictated by the fabrics used to make it.
From the time I choose my fabrics, it's all kind of like a puzzle.
Where do I need to make the cut for straps? To reuse that pocket
or make a new one? I am getting ready to experiment with batching.
A whole new concept for me.
What are your favorite tools?
My utility knife- it's the best seam ripper I have. My snipes for
cutting close to fabric (all my seams are hand finished). I found
these craft rulers that have cork on the back and they are great for
holding the fabric in place when using the cutting wheel. Most
of all my 1920's industrial singer. It makes the magic happen.
What music do you listen to while you’re working?
I listen to a lot of different things. I'm really
into my music collection. The top ones would be: My morning
jacket (famous local boys), Iron & Wine, Calexico, The White
Stripes, The dead weather, the raconteurs (can you tell I like
Jack White?), Pearl Jam, The kills…
What are the five best things you’ve purchased on Etsy
and where did you find them?
I don't buy a whole lot. I'm kind of frugal that way. However,
I started a tradition three years ago to buy myself something from
Etsy with the money I get for my birthday. Thank you family
and friends.
A beautiful print from Tollipop
A great walnut hair pick I use everyday from Wooden Treasures
An awesome recycled skateboard pendant from O'Blue
There are many artists out there that I want to get things from
and the next two are:
Girl Savage and The Generation

Read any good books lately?
It may sound funny coming from a seamstress, but
I really enjoyed the DIY book "How to Sew a Button" By Erin
Bried. I am currently reading Handmade Nation.
Been to any great exhibits?
Every couple of months I go to the Arts and
Crafts museum here in Louisville.
Who inspires you?
When it comes to sewing my greastest inspiration comes from
my grandmothers. Both have always taught me the value of thrift
and secondhand. My Memaw is a seamstress and the one who
taught me to sew. She is an amazing woman who once made a
kimono for my cousin from a picture. My Nana ran a large business
and taught me to be independent. She is my biggest influence to
go into business for myself.

What do you do for fun?
Bon fires, hanging with friends over good food and brews, singing,
playing around at making music. Reading a lot of how to books
and scribbling notes in journals. Playing strategy games, brain
teasers and puzzle games. Gardening. Camping and hiking.
Crafting of course.
Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?
I am talking to a gallery about having some of my
things but it's not final yet. So right now Etsy is the only
place to find me.

How do you promote your work?
I have just started a blog: A Self Made Life
I use Facebook: Unraveled Revelry
and Twitter: ElizabethRevels
This December I will be featured in a local magazine
Have any words of wisdom?
It can be scary to venture out on your own, but
just do it. Even small steps will get you there.
What’s in your future?
Self sufficiency. Living the life I love. I am
looking forward to branching out into the craft fair world. I am
working toward being a full time artist. Where else can you meet
such awesome people.