

Marketing Monday: The Blog

NEW -  I Love You, Blogs and Coffee (ESPRESSO)

When I opened my Etsy shop last year, I did some research on
marketing my shop. It seemed that the thing to do was to have
a blog. I had always wondered why people read blogs ...
and now I had to start my own?

WTF Scrabble Tile Holiday Ornament

I had all sorts of questions about blogging:
What do I write about?
How often should I post?
How should I set up my blog?
Should I have advertisements on my blog?
Should I have giveaways?
How personal does this have to get?
Who will follow my blog?

You can Google just about anything there is to do with blogging,
but I have picked a few posts that were of interest to me,
hoping that maybe they will be of interest to you, too.


Design Sponge: Biz Ladies: Using a Blog to Grow Your Business
"Social media writer, editor and blogger Rebecca Levie Osberg
offers her social media savvy and blog writing skills to her clients
on a daily basis." In this post, she explains why you need a blog,
what blogging platform to use, and answers some of my questions
above with some guidelines.

Typewriter Key Earrings

Unamimous Craft: Write a Better Blog 101
This post links to quite a few other articles on blogging.
The first one talks about habits of effective bloggers, another
about what makes a good blog, while most discuss how to
come up with content.

Vintage Copper Teapot - Primitive

Copyblogger: Write Less
This post I liked because it tells you that you can write one post
a week. It just has to be a 'good' post. As we all know, things
get better with practice - ah, the conundrum!

I am not an expert in blogging, and I do not blog every day.
I do like it, though.
And I have found a blogoshpere full of
obsessed people just like me.
So sometimes I blog about that.

What do you blog about?


  1. This is just what I was looking for to help start my blog! Thanks!

  2. very helpful, I'm not a blogger, and didnt really know what it was all about, but am now thinking I will start one, thanks for the links.

  3. Thanks, Alex. This was really helpful, and the links were great, too.

  4. Great advice from all, I know it can be daunting to start a blog but even for someone who has one, I think this will all be good information to make mine better :).

  5. Thanks for the great information in your posts - you are Blog Of The Day at Alice Magazine x
