

Marketing Monday: The Blog, Part II

RSS Feed Post Earrings

Finding our way in the blogosphere is ongoing ...
I've gathered up a few more links to articles to help with blogging.

A post by Tara Gentile of Scoutie Girl on CraftMBA discusses
why your blog needs a purpose, a method, a goal.
She suggests you create an objective so you can build
a community around your blog.

Macbook Decal WWII Inspired Keep Calm Blog On ORIGINAL Design

This post from Open Forum discusses
3 not so obvious things your blog needs:
1. a point of view
2. really great headlines
3. calls to action

blog this

Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media suggests an editorial calendar:
Why You Need An Editorial Calendar For Your Blog.
She feels it will increase your post quality, your post quantity,
your advertising opportunities & your subscribers.
My favorite reason is that the urge to bang your head against
the wall will decrease.

please refer to my blog button

Rebecca Osberg, a social media writer, has some content ideas:
How To Write Content For a Business Blog.
I thought the part about blog design was important, as well as
the section on promoting your industry - go handmade!

letterpress card. we go together like blogs and comments

My favorite article, though, has to be
5 Essential Blogging Tips from the Father of Chinese Philosophy.
Confucius had some great advice, which has been applied to blogs -
From knowledge to beauty, respect and consequences, and
not doing to others what you would not want done to you.
The author adds his own tip as well.

Vintage Letterpress -Complete Alphabet - 26 Letters

About what will you be blogging?

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