

Trashion Team Spotlight- Interview with Jen of Jen1Kanobi!

Shop name: Jen1kanobi

Shop address:

Other sites:

Trashion materials:
office folders & paper, old books, fabric, certain types of recyclable plastic, Styrofoam, orange peels, spools, miscellaneous small objects... really i don't like letting something go unless i can't think of a way to use it.

What do you transform them into?
art dolls, art books, journals, notebooks, jewelry, headbands & sleevies, clothing, bags, stamps, and collages

How do you do it? mostly with my hands and scissors, sewing machine, toaster oven, glue, time and patience :)

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept? I remember as a kid my dad made coffee of the campfire in an old empty coffee can, with a wire handle, but I think the first thing I made was probably the orange juice concentrate lid magnet for my mom

What was it? I think this might be a common kid craft, but i loved all those things we made as kids out of junk it got me going down the right path... we took orange juice concentrate lids and nails and pounded designs into them, and then we stuck magnets on the back, I think we gave them to our moms for mother's day.

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
I am struggling to make up some more inventory for a local shop who carries my journals, bookmarks, and greeting cards, and I am desperate to create more Orange Babies, they are my favorite, and I need more of them.

Why should people buy handmade and from trashion? when you buy handmade you get the joy of contact with the human element, which we lack to a large degree in our big box chain store world... and you know the labor wasn't exploited... my preference is to reuse or scavenge materials where I can to keep my wasteful impact on this green globe to a minimum... buying trashion helps

Anything else you'd like to add?
I try not to overcomplicate things, I often fail... but my advice to myself and all other crafters is to "shoot from the hip"

Thank you for sharing your great upcycling with us Jen! Excellent shop name!

1 comment:

  1. thanks, it was fun to do the interview... and i'm tickled pink that you posted it :)

