

Lets all do the Monster Mash!

Image by Lori of Fisheye

I missed out on the first palchmey challenge and I found you all created some really wonderful things. This inspired me to develop the Monster Mash palchmey challenge. I wanted to be a more active team member and help inspire others to try something new. So here is a breif description of what we will be doing: All who choose to participate will be creating 2 monster themed plushies. 1 will be listed in your own shop on Etsy and 1 will be listed with HOST on Etsy. The guidelines and FAQ's are posted on our team page on Yahoo groups. I am really excited to see what people create by letting your inner child guide you. I have found that all ages seem to like handmade plushies so I am hoping this brings us great promotions and sales. Since I offered a large time table to do this, I hope I am accommodating everyone by offering the finale to be in October, just in time for Halloween. If any one has questions pleas feel free to contact me. I will be doing a press release to hopefully get us into Storque and other blogs and ad spaces. You still have plenty of time to request a partner so think about it and sign up on our team page on Yahoo! I really hope to see lots of interest and I hope I am helping to inspire you also! Just remember one important thing....HAVE FUN!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a wonderful idea, and I'm VERY excited about participating!

    Can't wait to get into the fall/Halloween spirit of things :)
