This week we feature Erin Groff of Pulpa Paper Products!
Erin comes to us from Newark, Ohio.
Who is Pulpa?
Pulpa is a handcrafted paper products company that combines natural and recycled elements with an imaginative and eco-friendly approach. Pulpa strives to offer high-quality paper products that are not only beautiful, but beneficial.
What’s the first thing you remember making?
The first thing I remember making that is relevant to my medium now is sheets of paper. I met an artist who was touching on papermaking while getting her fine arts degree. She invited me into the lab to play and experiment. I found a new friend as well as a new love of papermaking!
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Where do you work?
I am one of the lucky individuals who is afforded much time her basement studio. I guess if I work, it would be here. Although, I find it very difficult to state it as a job to anyone. I don't even have an alarm on my side of the bed. I find them very disturbing and wish my boyfriend would get rid of his. He says he needs one more than I do. I don't have to commute, be involved in corporate meetings, wear a suit and tie, or a pair of heels (unless I want to). I can wake, pour coffee that was already brewed so sweetly for me ( by the love of my life, that most unfortunately has to use that alarm clock), and work in pj's.
What are your favorite tools?
One of my favorite tools is my drying rack. When working with wet paper you need plenty of room to "loft dry" as they call it. So screens come in very handy for this. My neighbors were throwing out many of the old window screens from their home and replacing them with new ones. It was a great find i thought, so I brought them home. I spraypainted them glossy black to cover any rust that may stain my paper, and my boyfriend was so kind as to build me a rack so that they would stack on top of each. It's not only beautfiul it's darn handy.
My second favorite tool is my rigged mixer! I cannot yet afford a hollander blender, but look forward to in the future if I can obtain one at a decent price. I believe they are around $2,000. But fortunately, I have some pretty crafty friends! He took the end of the drill with the handle and the motor in it and welded it into a frame. From out of the drill comes the long steel mixer that you mix buckets of paint with. I use old kitty litter buckets for holding my wet pulp which sits under the frame with the mixer handle; and with the flip of a switch my wet cotton starts to become a slurry! In papermaking, this term is a good thing!
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Why work with recycled materials?
Consume, Consume, Consume! It seems to be what we are good at. In an effort to reduce waste and keep our earth beautiful, each and everyone of us must do our part. I am so inspired by these fellow artists who take this seriously enough to do something about it in their own unique way. These artists not only make good use of otherwise unneccessary and space hogging items, they can make it fun, funky, and at times moving. I raise a glass and cheer these artists. Thank you!
Who inspires you?
Other artists such as yourselves. Lost in a sea of commericially, mechanically, soullessly stamped out products that remsemble those items that take time and effort. "Blood, sweat, and tears" as they call it are our "babies". Our art, crafts, creations take time to make and are wonderfully, unique. Sometimes people have so many options abound at the local mass-producer, where quality and creativity is NOT the goal but keeping prices at their lowest is, they forget or are uneducated to the fact of the time and costs you put into creating that item by hand. That's when the comments such as "They charge this, for that?" or "Is that award a fake?" are heard among the throng of onlookers. I have found believing in oneself and supporting other artists in a key to all of our future successes.
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How do you get from A to Z?
My day to day A to Z'ing usually goes down in my trusty silver
PT Cruiser. I used to take the PT to my shows and festivals, but recently have acquired "Big White" our large white chevy cargo van. Taking the PT to shows was much like putting together a puzzle and not the one with the big pieces. The van is wonderful because at the end of a long weekend or day I can throw my tent, tables, display, etc. into the van without my thought.
What music do you listen to while you’re working?
I love listening to Sarah Barielles and Norah Jones quite a bit it seems when I am working down here. I find myself getting lost in my pulp and singing as loudly as I can. "There is great acoustics in this basement", I think to myself. Wondering if anyone outside can hear, and do they think I am crazy?
What do you do for fun?
I am a closet kareoker. Sometimes we pull out an old disco light, I apply some red lipstick, and we pretend we are rock starts for a night!
Travel, Travel, Travel! I've been fortunate enough to start traveling these last few years. I love doing new things, meeting new people, and taking in the foreign and exotic. My out of country travels have taken me to Mexico, the Netherlands, and Singapore so far. I believe somewhere in the Caribbean is our next stop. We can all use a little fun in the sun! Especially, after a long, Ohio winter.
Outdoor movie nights with the neighborhood are a blast, and I cannot wait for warmer weather so that it permits us to begin doing this again. We haul out speakers and the projector and many cushions and chairs. We hang a white sheet from the trellis and either watch a movie or sometimes we even watch an Ohio State Football game or two. Go Bucks!
Read any good books lately?
I am just finishing the 12 book series of Left Behind. I find myself a deeply spiritual person who believes in energy and connectiveness. Religion has been difficult for me. This series is still an amazing story, and scared the beejeezies out me!
Been to any great exhibits?
I was able to visit the Van Gogh Musuem in Amsterdam a few years back. That was most wonderful. I also visited the Salvidor Dali Museum in Florida. Another amazing place to visit!
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What are the five best things you’ve purchased on etsy and where did you find them?
1. The stamps I use for applying my logo to my cards and other products. Thanks Blossomstamps!
2. My fingerless gloves because they keep my hands warm but my fingers free to work. Obviously, I can only wear these when I am not working with wet pulp. But they are stylish and cozy! Thank you Imaginativecreations!
3. My Etsy shop banner and avatar set for shop. I received a sale sign, a thank you sign, an away sign and much more! Falcor Digital really helped give my shop a more cohesive and professional look. Thanks FalcorDigital!
4. My sugar scrub made by pegasussoaps. Every woman needs at least one jar of this magical concoction in their shower and tub area. I feel brand new every time I use it.
Thank You, Pegasussoaps!
5. Last, but not least my lavender eye pillow from Maplestreetcreations. After, a long day at a show or in the basement making product I want nothing more than to use my sugar scrub in the bath and then grab my luxuriously smelling eye pillow to melt away stresses from the day.
Thanks Maplestreetcreations!
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Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?
My Etsy Shop, my website, Wilson's Garden Center in Newark, Ohio, Cobenick Studios in Columbus, Ohio, and at Central Ohio Festivals!!
How do you promote your work?
I promote with my website, Etsy, and a mailing list that I gather at my shows, as well as at the local shops I consign through, and a gallery show here and there. Talking to people, getting to know them, and making a personal connection seems to be the best way to promote my art.
What’s in your future?
I made some pretty serious goals for Pulpa this year. My plan is to be in 5 retail shops by the end of the year. I am officially in two now! I also want at least 100 items in my Etsy shop. I'm currently at 83! I also would like to do at least 10 outdoor shows this year if possible. I love the outdoor shows versus the indoor ones. I find it much more enjoyable basking in the sun. Unless inclement weather intrudes upon the day! Even high winds can be toughie for me. My paper products are so light and are easily swept down the sidewalk on those days.
Have any words of wisdom?
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be the fool." ~William Shakespeare
Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper
Text & Images © Pupla Paper Products
Enjoyed your interview. Beautiful products!
Great Interview! The drill mixer is so very clever!
ReplyDeleteExcellent interview and outstanding products:)
ReplyDeletePaper does provide immense avenues for craft creativity.