

Marketing Monday: Selling the Handmade Way, Wider Shop Pages & Pocket Shop

Selling the Handmade Way

Bonnie of Going Home to Roost is starting an e-course on
Selling the Handmade Way. She is also offering a free guide
you can download. It is a shop help guide, with a lot of
information targeted to newer shops. But it doesn't hurt
to give yourself a refresher every now and then!

"making readers of your about or profile page feel important,
cared about, and well educated on you and/or your business
is a great starting point on building a relationship with them."

"use your shop title wisely- make it short and sweet, and what
you most likely think your customers will search for."

"the first bit of your shop announcement is the most important.
you want to open here with your ‘hook’ "

"make your space inspiring. one of the quickest ways
(i’ve learned) to kill my motivation is to have a messy workspace.
sometimes i try to work through the clutter, but it never fails to
effect my inspiration, and nag on my motivation. surround yourself
with things that make you happy like flowers, artwork or pictures
and reflect on them when you’re feeling a little bogged down. it’s
also helpful to just take a break and change the mood. go for a walk,
open the windows, fix some lemonade, or anything that will help
rejuvenate your spirits."

And did you see The Storque last week?
The tech post about wider shop pages?
Now is a great time to get your sections in order, and edit your shop
announcement, as it will be shortened on your page. The part that
doesn't fit can be read in a pop up box.

A new widget was also mentioned Handmade Code: Pocket Shop.

From Craft Cult, it reminded me of this post and the widget from Cr8tivity.

What are you doing this week to promote?

1 comment:

  1. I just started using Pocket Shop on my blog. I haven't noticed any traffic, but I'm hoping that as I get more followers I will notice some traffic from there. It's a really cool application!
