

Feature Me Friday: Ditsy Gypsy

This week for Feature Me Friday, we have Susan of Ditsy Gypsy from Bossier City, LA

Who is Ditsy Gypsy?
Ditsy Gypsy is only part of what the name implies. To the unfamiliar eye, one would believe that she aimlessly wanders this earth, but "not all who wander are lost". This gypsy has a plan, she has a purpose, but above all, she has a dream. Ditsy Gypsy wants a world of peace, adventure, and unending joy. In this world of war, discord, hatred and unforgiveness, she finds all she dreams of in Art, so she paints and she decorates and she colors her world with peace, adventure, and unending joy. One day, she hopes it will invade this dark world and all who inhabit it and make the world smile!

What’s the first thing you remember making?
When I was 8, I made a recycled blue jean purse out of a favorite pair of Guess jeans I'd outgrown...I loved those jeans! They were the skinny ones with the zippers at the ankle...and here we are over 20 years later with the return of the skinny jean! Oh, the horror! LOL

This Stuff Is Toxic

Why work with recycled materials?
Don't you think we have enough weighing our planet down? I, for one, would like to see a consumerist system in place similar to the food wear this, which will become that after you're done with it, which become this after their done with that, which is yet again something you'll wear and turn into that when you're done with it. If this was the "normal" lifestyle, I truly believe this world would be an amazing place to live! Just stress to "keep up with the Joneses", no worries over how the bills are going to get paid, and no fear of what little Jimmy is going to contract if he drinks the water. If we were able to cut out all the stress and worry we have (due to our "gotta have" mentality) not to mention all the pollution and waste, life could literally be a bed of roses!

Where do you work?
Somewhere in Lalaland, around the corner from Wonderland
And then sometimes in my craft room :)

imageryhwrth.jpg picture by DitsyGypsy

How do you get from A to Z?
With B, C, D, and the rest of the crew.

What are your favorite tools?
Paint, paper and glue...if it doesn't move, I WILL cover it in paint or pretty pictures.

What music do you listen to while you’re working?
I love the 80's! Pop's fun, HipHop makes you want to dance, but nothing gets the creative juices flowing better than some Cindy and Cher!

I Heart Robots

What are the five best things you’ve purchased on Etsy and where did you find them?
I adore the soaps I've found on Etsy. MapleHillFarm and ameliaamos are my two favorites. Next would definitely be the Ming Dynasty Pottery Shard pendant from sweetvib that I wear almost everywhere. One of the cutest things I've bought is the Sugar Skull Pin Cushion I bought from threadsoffancy, and last but not least is the Twilight Mineral Shadow Palette that came from moiminerals that I gave to my daughter for her thirteenth birthday. All amazing buys...all SUPER amazing sellers!

Read any good books lately?
Absolutely! I finished Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson not too long ago, and I'm looking for my next read now. Suggestions would be great!

Been to any great exhibits?
Actually, yes! My kids and I visited ArtBreak, an annual event honoring and displaying children's art, just last week. My daughter, Sydney, performed, and she and her sister both had Art on's in the genes! ;)

Who inspires you?
Everyone and last piece was inspired by a hitchhiker!

Are You Going My Way

What do you do for fun? that horrible? I really LOVE what I do!

Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?
Right now, I'm sticking with Etsy. It's home.

How do you promote your work?
Facebook, blog, Twitter, Myspace, and word-of-mouth locally.

Have any words of wisdom?
Rather than focus on what to do when work is no longer fun, we should ask how to make it that way.

What’s in your future?
Hopefully, a brick and mortar shop. I'd love to sell my work in addition to other reclaimed items, vintage books and Art all in one cozy little shop.

Birds of a Feather Train Case