


Feature Me Friday: BPR Designs

This week for Feature Me Friday,
we have Beth of BPR Designs from Portland, OR.

Who is BPR Designs?
BPR Designs features hand crafted, unique fused
glass creations. Each piece is one of a kind
made in my glass studio.

Yellow Starburst Glass Votive Candle Holder

What’s the first thing you remember making?
The first glass thing I made was a small dish
-- it was kind of ugly!.

Why work with recycled materials?
I work with recycled bottles because
they are easy to find, free and it's a good use
instead of sending them to the re-cycle center
(or worse yet -- the dump!)

Where do you work?
I have a glass shop at my home
-- a corner lovingly carved out of my husband's shop!

How do you get from A to Z?
sort of A -> M -> F -> Q -> B -> Z
- I am not real linear!

What are your favorite tools?
I love my glass grinder!

What music do you listen to while you’re working?
all kinds -- whatever is shuffled by on my I-Pod!

Glass Pocket Magnetic Vase

What are the five best things you’ve
purchased on etsy and where did you find them?

earrings from californiablue
custom pendant from ideasinc
tea from teaman
soap from LostRiverRags
soap from AlchemicMuse
earrings from JulesArtwear

Read any good books lately?
Angels In the Gloom by Anne Perry

Been to any great exhibits?
Oregon Guild Shows

Who inspires you?
my mother-in-law --- a fireball at 84!

Cooling Volcano Plate No.3

What do you do for fun?
play in garden, kayaking, wine tasting, travel

Besides Etsy, where can we find your work?
On Facebook -
Fused Glass Artists -
ShopHandmade -

How do you promote your work?
Facebook fan page, Project Wonderful ads,
some local craft shows, team networking
with groups like the Trashion team!

Lavender, Pink and Purple Woven Glass Plate

Have any words of wisdom?
Promote, promote, promote.
No one can buy what they have not seen!

What’s in your future?
Summer craft shows!

Trash Talk Thursdays: Where are our frogs?

Where are our frogs?

Not so many frogs left around.
Pollution or evolution of species
the matter is "where are our frogs?".

Forget the golden toad of Costa Rica,
we should be aware that even the simple
green Hyla arborea is hard to find.

You don't care? Too bad. I do.
And I do for many other things.

Put a frog in front of fresh water and it will jump in,
in front of boiling water and it will go opposite direction,
leave it swimming in fresh water and make the water warmer and warmer...
she will die in it without being aware.
That's happening to us.

Frogs are fading away like our words.
Like human rights.
Like trees.
Like true happiness.

Frogs were powerful "tools"
to get closer to nature and gods.

They are leaving. Like so many other things.
Wake up.
It's not too late.

Ila Sadun

For more interesting thoughts check out Ila's new blog Ilathefrog
To see her beautiful recycled glass check out her
Etsy shop Metamorphosi.

© Ila Sadun 2010


What's Up Wednesday: The Steampunk World's Fair

Fellow Trashionista Barker Bell was a vendor at
This is her story...

Last weekend, May 14th - 16th, 2010, the first ever Steampunk World's Fair was held at the Radisson hotel in Piscataway, NJ. My friend, Niffer, of 19Moons, travelled with me and shared a vending room. We arrived at the hotel early Friday afternoon and there were already quite a few participants in costume in the lobby. After a quick, smooth check in, we unpacked the car as fast as possible, began setting up, then had to quickly change to attend the Cup of Brown Joy Tea Party being hosted by

After only about 1/2 an hour at the tea, we headed back to our room so we could finish getting set up and opened. Our vending space was our hotel room, which was a first for us, but it worked out really well and offered us a bit more flexibility with how we decorated the space. We already have several plans to improve things for next year. The rest of the evening was a bit of a blur as we suffered sleep deprivation and sensory overload thanks to too little sleep the night before and being surrounded by so many amazing costumes.

Niffer, preparing to attend the tea party.

The majority of the participants practice the art of Trashion, repurposing watches, brass pipes, cogs, clock gears, and anything else they can find that fits the aesthetic, as they create their accessories, and even their costumes themselves. One of the attendees we met, Miriam, had fashioned a bracelet from the bubble portion of a broken construction level she'd found at the side of the road and her cape was made from a pleated skirt someone in her apartment building had thrown away. I had to get a picture of her as it was a prime example of trashion.

I can't say enough about how fantastic the event was.
There were several other vendors, all with a great variety
of items, everyone we met was unbelievably kind, and
phenomenal costumes abounded. Throughout the weekend there
were a number of performances by several different musical groups, as well as other entertainment events and panels.

Over 3,000 people attended the festivities over the weekend and it was wonderful to be surrounded by so many creative like-minded individuals. On Sunday, when it was time to leave, I was actually sad to head home.Somehow, being back in the "real" world, seems so dull without the costumed individuals at every turn and the varied, always enjoyable, random performances of Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band, including parades through the hallways of the hotel and a parking lot dance party at 1:00 am Saturday morning.

A special thank you and shout out to just a few of the new friends I made this past weekend: Marisa Taylor of Marisa Taylor Photography, whose camera I had the privilege of using to take a shot of her (I want one now). Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys, who bought a couple of items from 19moons and I and wore them on stage. Brigid Ashwood, artist extraordinaire, for, well, being her, and for the tips on new supplies to try. Chrononaut Mercantile, who not only are purveyors of a number of fine wares, but are both unbelievably nice and interesting to talk to., Madame vonHedwig & P Phineas vonHedwig whose blog offers stirring adventure tales, tinkering, madscience, salvaging, & sewing. Voltaire, who I finally got to see live, but who I also was able to meet and speak to briefly. He seems to truly appreciate each of his fans, and took the time to converse with each one that approached him and even posed for pictures with several of them, including myself.

To find more info about Barker Bells lead up to the show
check out her blog!

Images © Barker Bell


How2 Tuesday: Junck Suncatchers 101

"Stained Glass" Suncatchers by Junck
Many thanks to Junck for sharing this very clever idea!

You know those clear discs you get when you buy a tower of CDs/DVDs? Well, if you drill a small hole near the top and then paint on them using Gallery Glass paint
you'll have some pretty fine
looking suncatchers!
The one's pictured above are the first three I
... kinda test samples...
I think they'll get better as I
go along.
Since the discs are clear, you can lay them on top of any
image you'd
like to use and easily "trace" over the image with the "lead" paint. If you haven't worked with Gallery Glass paint yet, I highly recommend it! It's very easy
to use and the effect is quite realistic.
I've used
it on old wooden window frames to
create some lovely "stained glass"
For more great ideas check out Tammy's blog.
For more inspiration...
You may want to check out EyePopArt for more

ideas on designing and painting mandalas.
She also has Free Coloring Pages available on her blog!
Don't have the time, the trashion, or the tenacity to make your own?!
Check out EyePopArt on Etsy!
Trashionistas are such a generous lot!
Images © Junck
This tutorial is reprinted with permission from junck.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this tutorial is correct. However, due to differing conditions, tools, and individual skills, the author and publisher cannot be responsible for any injuries, losses, or other damages that may result from the use of the information posted. Any resemblance to another project or tutorial is purely coincidental.


Marketing Monday: Present Yourself to the Press

Last year, I had bookmarked an Etsy blog post Seller Tip: Present Yourself to the Press.
Since I'm also posting the Feature Me Friday posts, I thought it would be a great topic.

As a crafter and seller, you want to get your story out there - summer fairs, gallery exposure, wholesale orders, and don't forget the holidays (yes, time to start thinking about it now!).
Your story should include a few basic photographs, according to Vanessa and Danielle.

a nice head shot


a photo of your studio or workspace


a photo of you in the creative process

your items in context


your items against a plain background

Upcycled Journal

You'll want to keep high resolution photos on file and you can always resize those later.
What else can you use these for?



Feature Me Friday: catpainter

This week for Feature Me Friday, we have Isabel of catpainter from Littleton, CO

Who is catpainter?
The name of my Etsy shop comes from my nickname from my Although, I craft in various mediums(scrapbooking, sewing), painting has been my first love and it is through decorative tole painting that I discovered that I am an artist.

What’s the first thing you remember making?
Clothes for my Barbies.

Why work with recycled materials?
Until four years ago, I lived in Houston for 20 years. When I moved to Colorado, one of my first friends introduced me to felting wool sweaters. I just feel in love. In Colorado, finding wool sweaters in the thrift stores is not hard. In Houston, where it is extremely humid and hot for many months of the year (with mild winters), finding wool sweaters would be extremely difficult. My husband was a recycler long before it was a common practice; so, finding a craft that allows me to recycle a material into something new and functional supports our belief in recycling as much as possible.

Where do you work?
I am very lucky. I have an area in our finished basement that is 100% mine. My husband calls it craftland, I call it my happy place.

How do you get from A to Z?
I read a lot of craft books, magazines, and visit blogs... I let them inspire me and add my own twist to things.

What are your favorite tools?
Sizzix Die Cut Machine, Sewing Machine, Paint Brush, Bind It All (assemble my own scrapbooks)

What music do you listen to while you’re working?
Muse, Kings of Leon, ColdPlay, Owl City, The Fray, Green Day, --Alternative Music

Upcycled Red Felted Wool Flower Embellishment with Polymer Clay Button

What are the five best things you’ve purchased on etsy and where did you find them?
  1. Crochet Trimmings by Sweetvintage78
  2. Vintage Buttons from Oridotan
  3. Vintage Dress Forms by Littlepinkstudio
  4. Twilight Charms by FabBeads
  5. LadyBug Tape Measure and Leaf Scissor Case PDF Pattern by Betzwhite.

Read any good books lately?

Vampire Diaries Series and will soon start Dead in the Family (Book #10 in the Sookie Stackhouse Series)

Been to any great exhibits?
Several, over the years, especially when we lived in Houston. Perhaps my favorite was (I don't recall the name of the exhibit) The Jewels of the Vatican/History of the Popes - exhibit traveling through Houston.

Who inspires you?
My crafty friends, my daughter, son and mother.

Upcycled Orange Felted Wool Flower Pin, Small

What do you do for fun?
Love to go to the movies with my kids. Spending quality time with my family, we love to attend festivals. Spend time with my friends -- sometimes go have dinner, movie or have craft nights at my home.

Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?
During the Fall, my friend Staci and I share a booth at the Columbine High School Craft Fair.

How do you promote your work?
All my handbags are my own upcycled felted wool so people see them while I am out shopping, I give out my business cards to people to show interest in them. I post photos on Flickr and joined Trashion Team. Just started my own blog, I hope to share some of my work and what inspires me. I also started submitting my work to several magazines published by Stampington and Company.

Felted Wool, Upcycle - Burgandy and Rose Felted Wool Tote with Flowers and Butterfly

Have any words of wisdom?
I make, I enjoy creating it. I create every item as if it is for me. The quality of my work is not different because I intend to sell it. I think if you enjoy what you make, it will come through and people will appreciate it.

What’s in your future?
A healthy family.
At the moment I am a stay at home mom. Now that my son is in Kindergarten, I want my Etsy shop to become successful so I can earn money but continue to stay at home. I would love it if my Etsy shop became my part-time job...I would have flexibility as to when I would work and I can do it all from home.


Marketing Monday: 10 Tips for Getting Press for Your Products

Sam Hirst of Inklore wrote a post last week on a blog called meylah
'10 Tips for Getting Press for Your Products'
It is chock full of advice from "Ask!" to "Try, Try Again" & "Be a Social Butterfly."

Butterfly Earth Friendly Bag/Tote/Market

"The best way to make sure that the creative powers that be find out about you and your work is to introduce yourself to them. If you sit back and wait to be found, you will likely be waiting a long time."

"Believe me, I know it’s hard not to take it personally when a blogger decides not to show your work. I’ve been told no more times than I can even remember. Some bloggers are really lovely and will send you a note and others won’t, but don’t give up."

"Be active in the blogging world, talk about other people, and spotlight others, what goes around comes around if the motives are right. Be honest and genuinely social. Go back to high school and think about what made the 'cool kids' cool. I wasn't one, but it's my guess they didn't sit around worrying about why they weren't noticed." olive manna

What have you done to get press for your products?


Feature Me Friday: Ditsy Gypsy

This week for Feature Me Friday, we have Susan of Ditsy Gypsy from Bossier City, LA

Who is Ditsy Gypsy?
Ditsy Gypsy is only part of what the name implies. To the unfamiliar eye, one would believe that she aimlessly wanders this earth, but "not all who wander are lost". This gypsy has a plan, she has a purpose, but above all, she has a dream. Ditsy Gypsy wants a world of peace, adventure, and unending joy. In this world of war, discord, hatred and unforgiveness, she finds all she dreams of in Art, so she paints and she decorates and she colors her world with peace, adventure, and unending joy. One day, she hopes it will invade this dark world and all who inhabit it and make the world smile!

What’s the first thing you remember making?
When I was 8, I made a recycled blue jean purse out of a favorite pair of Guess jeans I'd outgrown...I loved those jeans! They were the skinny ones with the zippers at the ankle...and here we are over 20 years later with the return of the skinny jean! Oh, the horror! LOL

This Stuff Is Toxic

Why work with recycled materials?
Don't you think we have enough weighing our planet down? I, for one, would like to see a consumerist system in place similar to the food wear this, which will become that after you're done with it, which become this after their done with that, which is yet again something you'll wear and turn into that when you're done with it. If this was the "normal" lifestyle, I truly believe this world would be an amazing place to live! Just stress to "keep up with the Joneses", no worries over how the bills are going to get paid, and no fear of what little Jimmy is going to contract if he drinks the water. If we were able to cut out all the stress and worry we have (due to our "gotta have" mentality) not to mention all the pollution and waste, life could literally be a bed of roses!

Where do you work?
Somewhere in Lalaland, around the corner from Wonderland
And then sometimes in my craft room :)

imageryhwrth.jpg picture by DitsyGypsy

How do you get from A to Z?
With B, C, D, and the rest of the crew.

What are your favorite tools?
Paint, paper and glue...if it doesn't move, I WILL cover it in paint or pretty pictures.

What music do you listen to while you’re working?
I love the 80's! Pop's fun, HipHop makes you want to dance, but nothing gets the creative juices flowing better than some Cindy and Cher!

I Heart Robots

What are the five best things you’ve purchased on Etsy and where did you find them?
I adore the soaps I've found on Etsy. MapleHillFarm and ameliaamos are my two favorites. Next would definitely be the Ming Dynasty Pottery Shard pendant from sweetvib that I wear almost everywhere. One of the cutest things I've bought is the Sugar Skull Pin Cushion I bought from threadsoffancy, and last but not least is the Twilight Mineral Shadow Palette that came from moiminerals that I gave to my daughter for her thirteenth birthday. All amazing buys...all SUPER amazing sellers!

Read any good books lately?
Absolutely! I finished Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson not too long ago, and I'm looking for my next read now. Suggestions would be great!

Been to any great exhibits?
Actually, yes! My kids and I visited ArtBreak, an annual event honoring and displaying children's art, just last week. My daughter, Sydney, performed, and she and her sister both had Art on's in the genes! ;)

Who inspires you?
Everyone and last piece was inspired by a hitchhiker!

Are You Going My Way

What do you do for fun? that horrible? I really LOVE what I do!

Besides Etsy, where can we find you work?
Right now, I'm sticking with Etsy. It's home.

How do you promote your work?
Facebook, blog, Twitter, Myspace, and word-of-mouth locally.

Have any words of wisdom?
Rather than focus on what to do when work is no longer fun, we should ask how to make it that way.

What’s in your future?
Hopefully, a brick and mortar shop. I'd love to sell my work in addition to other reclaimed items, vintage books and Art all in one cozy little shop.

Birds of a Feather Train Case


Trash Talk Thursday: Freecycle

For those of you unfamiliar with this Trashion Fantastic way
to give and receive stuff... let me introduce you to...
The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 4,793 groups
with 7,208,000 members across the globe!
It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of
people giving and getting great stuff for free!
It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills.
Something we trashionistas know a little bit about.
Need old wool sweaters to make felted mittens? Ask.
Have a blender you just don't need anymore? Offer.
You'll be blown away by the shear volume of perfectly
good stuff that finds its' way on freecycle every day!
Each group is moderated by a local volunteer
and membership is free.
To sign up, go to to find your local group.
Check it out... you won't be disappointed!


Marketing Monday: How to Create a Facebook Fan Page

facebook logo by AJC1.

So you have you Facebook page and you are a fan of Etsy Trashion.
Or in the new lingo, you like Etsy Trashion.
But do you have a business page?

Last month I posted a few links on how to use Facebook.
I wanted to give you some information on business pages, and
I received my Etsy Success about it just last week!
Here is Danielle's link Creating a Facebook Fan Page.

And a few more:

How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Business

Make a Facebook Page for Your Small Business

How to Make a Business Facebook Page

So, see you on Facebook!


Feature Me Friday: remaker

We're starting up another new series with Feature Me Friday.
This week will be a mini feature about Pam, or remaker, as you may know her.
Pam's been the Etsy Trashion leader since I joined the team last year.
She's the glue keeping all of us hoarders, I mean recyclers, together.

Pam has had her own business for more than 20 years.
She's been working with a variety of metals since 1994. It all started with steel wire and cold connections, Calder style. Her Book'markers™ were inspired by the time she spent with her son when he was just a babe. She's made more than you can imagine since those early days!

3 Heart Book'markers- Special Etsy Price

About seven years ago she learned to work with a torch and has grown to love making custom sterling and recycled gold pieces. Upcycled stuff started showing up in her work about ten years ago. There's nothing greater than the challenge to make something Funky Yet Useful™ from stuff other people think is junk.

Tin Can Earrings Make A List Upcycled Refrigerator Notebooks- set of 4 Special Price Rubber Roofing 'Ristband v. R-1.75 dekt out upcycled bangle

Pam's original shop is naturemadescents
and she also has two others (busy lady!)
ReSupply and weddingstuff

Cat Stuff- Catnip Bone 2.24mm Ball Chain- 36 inch with Connectors Pink Pillow Pearls 5-6mm strand White Nylon Tulle- 25 yards


Marketing Monday: How to Design the Perfect Packaging

I hope everyone had a great Earth Day celebration!
I'm back with a series I'm calling Marketing Monday!
In addition to writing a few posts,
I'll be posting links to lots of great posts and articles.

This first link is to a post in a great series called
Biz Ladies on Design Sponge.
How to Design the Perfect Packaging


Most of us are very small businesses and ecofriendly, too.
So while we may not use or want to use much packaging,
there are still some important points in the post.

" ... packaging is a powerful avenue for “finishing” your product and make it seem much more valuable than if it would be unadorned. Even if it’s just a sticker or hang-tag, these little extras convey importance and attention to detail ... "

"Packaging doesn’t have to cost a lot at all. I recommend for start-ups and small businesses with small budgets just entering the world of consumer product sales to start with stock packaging customized with a label."

Gift Tags from Upcycled Chip Board and Recycled Card Stocks

'Stock packaging' can be recycled boxes or handmade boxes made from recycled paper.If you don't want to use boxes, even hang tags can be made from recycled paper or chipboard right from your recycling bin. Labels can be printed right at home on your printer - just pick up some sticker labels made from recycled paper at your local office supply store.

How do you make your packaging?