

Interview with Andria from You've Been Upcycled

Shop name: You've Been Upcycled
Shop address:

What draws you to using trashion materials?
I love to recycle and I love to do my “arts and crafts” as my husband calls them. My kids drink Capri Suns every day and I thought it would be a waste just to throw them out, so I started making things with them. I have a 2 year old and would recycled his baby food jars and have a lot of those left over as well, so I let my older kids make snow globes out of them and help me make colorful candle holders.

What trashion materials do you use?
Capri Suns, gift cards, vinyl records, baby food jars, buttons, magazines, and vintage belt buckles.

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?
My baby food jar candle holders. I made them for my wedding as hanging lanterns in the trees.

Where do you find your inspiration?
I see something that someone created and think - "I bet I could do that, let me figure out what they did" and come up with my own new creation. I'm a "learner" and love to make new things.

What creative ways do you come by your trashion materials?
Well, I usually use them and save them. I did come across my large collection of vinyl records through an auction at a storage facility, but other than that – I just use them and then reuse them!

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
I’m always looking to make new things that I haven’t already tried. Right now I’m starting to make new things with my Capri Suns (like pencil holders and change purses) and designing new vinyl record bracelets. So far, that’s my favorite thing to make. I also have around 200 chip/snack bags that I'm looking to turn into something...

Anything else you'd like to add?
I just want to thank you for requesting an interview! I love the Trashion Team and have been following the blog since I started selling on Etsy – it’s such an honor to be featured.


get organized

So... are you organized yet?
Our Trashion Fantastic AlexKeller
has been reading in the blogosphere
to see how everyone is doing it.
Surely you used trash?



the handmade olympics: { event 2 }

please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the
fun-filled details & rules on the events!
now.. welcome to event 2: please leave a comment nominating:
your favourite handmade goodie for kids
for this event
think unique + handmade for the wee ones.
think of handmade items created for children that inspire!
think of something a child would just adore!

thanks so much to our brilliant judge for this event,
the inspiring Robert Mahar of the
beautiful vintage + handmade emporium for children:
remember, you can nominate yourself + another in EACH event!
PLUS get bonus ballots for twittering,
blogging + facebooking about the handmadeolympics! yay!
the amazing PRIZES
valued at OVER $2000.00 USD, the handmade olympics prize packs
are just gosh-darn fantastical!
this EVENT will award the following prizes!
:: a GOLD prize pack
including $150.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to plushroom soup
a $50 gift certificate to paisley baby
a $50 gift certificate to blueshinebaby
+ an *i WON* the handmade olympics banner/button image
to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
:: a SILVER prize pack with $100.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to small grapes fabrics
a $50 gift certificate to the framed frog
:: a BRONZE prize pack
of one FREE month of March 2010 advertisting on the rikrak studio blog! yay!
and of course, there will be ONE overall random nomination
selected from all handmade olympics to
(a $50.00 shopping spree in the rikrak shop!)


the handmade olymipics~ EVENT 1

please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the fun-filled details & rules on the events!
now.. welcome to event 1: please leave a comment nominating:
for this event
think unique + handmade.
think inspiringly fresh!
think of a handmade item whose brilliant + beautiful design just thrills you!
thanks so much to the fabulous judge for this event, the brilliant Erin Loechner, of the inspiring design for
please read the RULES here.

the amazing PRIZES
valued at OVER $2000.00 USD,
the handmade olympics prize packs are just gosh-darn fantastical!
this EVENT will award the following prizes!
:: a GOLD prize pack
including $150.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to michele maule's shop
a $50 gift certificate to papermode
a $50 gift certificate to themefragrance
+ an *i WON* the handmade olympics banner/button image to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
:: a SILVER prize pack with $100.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to luttrell studio
a $50 gift certificate to artisan clay
:: a BRONZE prize pack
of one FREE month of March 2010 advertisting on the rikrak studio blog! yay!
and of course, there will be ONE overall random nomination selected from all handmade olympics to WIN the FAN PRIZE PACK (a $50.00 shopping spree in the rikrak shop!)


the 2010 handmade olympics!

(sew) FASTER.
(paint) HIGHER.
(metalsmith) STRONGER!
.ladies + gentlemen!
welcome to the 2010 handmade olympics: where the handmade
world comes together to celebrate making things!
think alpine sewing.
downhill woodworking.
pairs cooking on ice!
and all of the other amazing things folks in the handmade world
do + make + create every day!
oh what a wonderful handmade world we live in!
now's your chance to show the world your own creative creations, or send some handmaking love out to other nicies who inspire you in the handmaking + handpicked world!
by entering the various events, it's a wonderful way to show the
world your beautiful creations, have some amazing judges
check out your great shops,
AND, if that's not enough fun, there are over
$2000.00 USD worth of AMAZING handmade + vintage prizes!
woohoo, nicies!
let's the GAMES begin!


500 Felt Objects~ Call for Entries

Wool Pincushion, Orange Rust and Stripes by loneweever
Lark Books Call for Entries
500 Felt Objects
.Juror: Susan Brown for Lark Books
Entry deadline: February 13, 2010
Lark Books seeks images from artists/designers across the globe for publication in a juried collection showcasing felt objects. Categories in the book will include Garments, Jewelry, Furniture, Bags, Art Pieces, Headwear, Functional Items/Home Décor, Floor and Wall Coverings, and more. Felt must be the focus of all work, but other materials are allowed. While Lark usually features hand-made work, for this book, innovative designs in industrial felt are acceptable.Go to Lark Books to download more information and an entry form.
Image © loneweever
To learn more about loneweever, check out this Trashion at Home


forgot to mention a sale!!!

10% off everything at until January 20th
and free US shipping all the time!

LOVE AND PEACE    a Charm Bracelet for Making Change


Trash-Deactivation Contest

This contest info was sent to the Etsy Trashion Team on Etsy.
It was posted on our forum, but I thought I'd post it here, too,
for anyone else to enter if they'd like!

The Contest, "Trash-Deactivation” is directed to all people, who are actively interested in trashion and can do magic from redundant things and items. Show us what you can do, surprise us with your resourcefulness and share your ideas for clothes or accessories for clothes manufactured from ... well, let's not be afraid to say it out loud, trash!

Participants in this Contest can include bloggers, fashion designers, and professionals - everyone who likes, enjoys and practices trashion.

All the projects, which will be accepted to the semi-finals, will find a way to post-contest online publication entitled "Trashbook", which will comprise not only documentation of the whole trash related event, but also a source for inspiration relative to fashion, style, and trashion style gadgets. "Trashbook" is the first publication of this type, which was created thinking about all the people, who are interested in creative recycling. Make sure that you do not miss your chance to be there!

All the best projects will receive recycling-ecological prizes, which will enrich your wardrobe.

Start Date: December 11, 2009
End Date: February 1, 2010

The first stage:
Preparation and submission of ideas: 11 December 2009 -1 February 2010

Create a new cloth, accessory or jewellery, which can be manufactured from items, things, materials which are not needed any more, redundant or broken and should be thrown away as thrash. Please, try not to buy new things - try to use only what you have available at hand. Strive to maintain simplicity in your project, but do not forget about the resourcefulness, comfort and materials which are available for your use.

Take sharp photographs of products, elements which you will use to manufacture of the given thing; the photograph also individual stages of manufacturing of your project and the final project product. The photo of the final project product can show you and the project or only the project itself - it is up to you.

Fill in the Contest submission form, in which, among the others, you will have to provide detailed information about the materials used, which are necessary to manufacture the project product, and describe the way it was manufactured.

Photographs and a filled in submission form can be sent and the Organizer via e-mail to redakcja(at) with the following text in the title "Trash-Deactivation" ( please make sure that the e-mail size does not exceed 6 MB) or via regular a regular postal service.

You are allowed to submit any number of projects. please, remember in such a case to submit separate submission forms for each other submitted projects.

The Rules:
The Submission Form:

More info at: