

you are your own publicist

Let's face it. We don't have the big bucks to pay a publicist, so we are it.
According to Meg Mateo Ilasco, "You should spend at least a couple of hours each week working on your publicity outreach." Craft, Inc. Turn Your Creative Hobby Into a Business
The first step is to determine to whom do you reach?

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You could start locally with your local papers and magazines.
Pick those that speak to your target market.
Contact editors, send press kits ...

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But the easiest and best way to be your own publicist is to sell yourself.
Did you have lunch with a friend? Did you give him or her a business card?
Did you have a dentist appointment yesterday? Did you tell your hygienist about your work?
Did you chat with another mom or dad when picking up the kids at school?
Did you mention that you have your own business?
Did you go out to dinner last night? Were you pleasant with your server?

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Do you wear your product? Use it publicly?

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You have to remember that you live in a fishbowl:
everything you say and do wherever you are reflects on your business,
whether it is online in forums, on social sites, or blogs,
or whether it is your daily contact with people in your everyday life.

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You never know ... your server's mom or dad could be the curator of a gallery.
Your child's friend's mom at the playground could be a magazine editor.
Your hygienist might be married to a radio personality.
Your friend might know someone who writes for the local paper.

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And one of my favorite quotes from Glengarry Glen Ross
"A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing, always be closing."


  1. What a fabulous post! And such a creative way to give such great advice. THANKS. :)

  2. This was very helpful and I shared it with my Market crowd! Thank you!

  3. The bit about wearing your own goods is SO true. I try to wear at least one thing I've made every day, and it makes a huge impact. I always get compliments and questions about where I got it. Now if only I could be better about remembering to always have my card on me!

  4. Great, sensible, practical advice. Thanks for including the picture of my Wanderlust recycled map pin!

  5. An insightfull post on "you are your own publicist".And I would like to say that I'm living my dream of owning my own business and working from home earning equally or more than the regular jobs by using

    Johnson- Own a new business

  6. nice blog!. It's funny, because the imagination ever makes laugh, your pictures are nice. I'm illustrator and have my own "company" of gift cards, but for the moment, I only sell my friends. I need a publicist!!
