

Trashion at Home - vividtexture

Today's Trashion at Home submission comes from Melinda of

Our home is filled with furniture and items passed down from family members or otherwise second hand. Here are a few:

1. Future home décor: my grandparents bought these wing chairs from a consignment shop and used them for many years before they were passed on to my uncle, and then to me. Sadly, the original crewel upholstery needs replacing. I’m hoping to salvage enough to make pillows. I have a friend who recently started her own upholstery business and we are looking into eco-friendly fabrics for covering these cuties for their next stage of life.

2. This paper towel holder has escaped the trash three times that I know of. My in-laws had a tenant who collected junk and turned it into art (yay- upcycling!) and this had been part of his collection. They got it from him, hated it, and were going to throw it out when my hubby rescued it for me.

3. This butcher block came from My husband cut it to fit our counter, and sanded, scoured and oiled it. It gives us “built-in” workspace and an extra inch and ½ of counter height and depth.


Look for great upcycled items in Melinda's shop, like this charming tea cozy:

Show us your ideas for Trashion at Home.
Send submissions to Lori at

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! Love the old wing-back chair :) and it's great how things have stories to them when they're rescued to be reused in a new family
