

Trash Becomes Art

My husband, son and I went to Scottsdale, AZ recently.
We went to the zoo, I went to the botanical gardens and we walked around old Scottsdale.
We also visited a few places where I noted that trash had become art.

Children's Museum of Phoenix

What a cool place! Teeming with tots, there's tons to take in.
Prior to opening, the museum issued several press releases.
One was for a "need for children's shoes....lots of them!"

I hope that most people pass on or donate used clothing to those who need them,
but I'm sure there are many items that unfortunately end up in the trash.
The museum used over 500 pairs of shoes to create "a one-of-a-kind art installation."

The shoes are all mounted on the wall just outside the baby play room.
They're covered in a white material which I couldn't really identify.
Some of the shoes sprout little stuffed birds made of old socks.
There are also several cubbies mounted to the wall at kid level:
Since it's the baby room, "No shoes allowed!"

Another press release "called upon businesses and individuals alike to donate 15,000 CDs and/or DVDs to use in their Wish Fish sculpture," another permanent exhibit.
Children and families wrote wishes on the CDs and DVDs which were then attached together to create a large wall sculpture. The CDs and DVDs represent fish, and the whole thing reminds me of a sparkly school of fish.

I'm going to try this in my son's room.
What a great way to use all those old CDs he's scratched up or we burned ages ago.

Scottsdale Public Art

We went for breakfast at a yummy place in the Scottsdale Mall called Orange Table.
In the bell tower of the mall, my son noticed robots!!! - one of his current fixations.
They were "flying" through the air using various modes of transport: wings, a rocket, a parachute. Created by Toby Fraley of Washington, PA, Robots in Flight are made of old stuff like shoe stretchers, vacuum cleaners and thermoses.

When no longer on display in the bell tower, the Scottsdale Public Art Program plans to buy the robots and display them somewhere else.

If you're interested in more recycled robots, check out our fellow Etsian - reclaim2fame!

links: (scroll to the bottom of the page)

By Guest Blogger - Alex


  1. Thanks so much for sharing these awesome photos! I absolutely love the 'rocket man'. Makes me want to run right down to the local dump- oh, excuse me- transfer station, and do some pickin'! I am actually planning on making a trip soon, and I'll tell you all about the goodies I find...

  2. FABulous photos and creative inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Also, reclaim2fame rocks too! Always getting a kick out this shops talent!
