

Interview with Vicki of Jewelry by Vicki and Creative Castaways

Shop name: Jewelry By Vicki and Creative Castaways
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What draws you to using trashion materials?
I have made crafts all my life, my Mother and Grandmother both ran fabric shops, and made everything! What really got me going, was for the last twelve years, I have been a Preschool teacher. I worked for a non profit preschool, that could not afford to buy very many supplies. So I saved, (and begged for) paper towel and toilet tissue tubes, milk jugs, newspaper, plastic yogurt containers, wallpaper books etc. You would be very surprised at what you can make with these wonderful items, especially when you have nothing else. Many a cardboard house was made out of appliance boxes!

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?
When I was about five my Mother taught me how to make a toothpick and styrofoam ball Christmas tree.

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
Making a lot of wire marble pendants right now. My next project is state quarter leather bracelets!

Anything else you'd like to add?
I lost my job due to closure of our daycare a year ago. I am 57 years old and it's not easy at my age to find a new job. That pushed me into taking the plunge of self supporting. I stumbled upon Etsy, and my life has changed! I am able to stay at home and do the things I love to do. Thank you Etsy from the bottom of my heart!


  1. I purchased one of Vicki's caged marbles for my Mom and she loves it!

    I really like the small frames with vintage earring embelleshments. Very clever!

  2. I came across Vicki on the Trashion Team NING site. Here's how it happened...I saw the Serenity prayer on an eyeglass piece and thought it was beautiful. Then I TRACKED her down. Yes, exactly....and if I do that, others do too.

    Great pictures and creative listings abound! Make it happen.

    I bought it, I have it, thank you Vicki...just now coming across more about you.

    Jane aka zJayne
