

Team Trashion Encourages Shoppers to Go Green on Black Friday

Going back as far as the 1960’s, the day after Thanksgiving has held the unfortunate title of Black Friday. The name was given due to the madness that happens in highly commercialized places of commerce, but mostly because of the heavy traffic on that day. Folks are at the mall before the sun comes up, cars fill freeways and parking lots, money is burned on mass produced products and the gas it takes to get to them. It can get ugly.

Team Trashion, a unique, eco friendly, international group of artisans on visualizes a different sort of Friday following Thanksgiving. Team Trashion wants to encourage families to keep the car in the garage, leave their slippers on and curl up with loved ones and a second helping of pumpkin pie. Doesn’t that sound great?

On Friday, November 28, Team Trashion will provide holiday shoppers with a unique opportunity to shop for one-of-a-kind gifts that are innovative and eco friendly. Buyers will be able to connect directly with sellers at a virtual Trunk Show on Over 30 Team Trashion artisans will be showing a varied collection of handmade treasures all created from upcycled, repurposed or otherwise abandoned materials. The Team Trashion Green Friday Trunk Show will be overflowing with holiday shopping opportunities that would make Mother Earth proud. You will not want to miss it!

The Team Trashion Green Friday Trunk Show is at 7pm est – just the perfect time to grab a cup of tea and do a little shopping in the comfort of your own home. Here’s how you get there:

1 - Log on to If you do not have an Etsy account click here it's free to join, and you'll be glad you did!
2 - Choose the “community” tab at the top of the home page.
3 - Choose the “Virtual Labs” tab at the top of the community page.
4 - Choose the GREEN Treehouse “room” within the Virtual Labs.
5 - Sit back and enjoy the Trunk Show!

It will be great to see you there.


  1. It's going to be too late in the UK fr me to attend (I think it will about midnight UK time when you start), but I hope you all have a great time!

  2. Trashion Team... I believe my art fits into your philosophy. I am a rag rug weaver and all my rugs use recycled fabric in their wefts. Check me out and if you think I would fit let me know. Keeping green, low tech, and recycling has been my philosophy for all of my 54 years

  3. Great ideas! I'm a philly etsy team member and this blog gave me lots of great ideas for things our team could do, like the monster mash up!

    I just made a listing of my favorite etsyians at my blog:
    check it out!


  4. Great group!! Great idear!
    Thanks for you comments Kae. Looking at your bio, it seems we are very kindred, indeed! I love sci-fi and own numerous Isaac Assimov books. I really enjoy the goofy ones, though...Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy! Have you seen Eureka? --It is good clean fun, like murder she wrote, only sci-fi! lol
