

BuckleUp giveaway

Trashion team member Millie Hilgert, whose well known as Miss Courageous is launching a new shop BuckleUp! In honor of her new venture she is having a give away on her blog, some lucky reader will win a BuckleUp belt buckle! BuckleUp belt buckles are made with reclaimed wall paper samples and upcycled jar lids for a one of a kind buckle you are sure to get many compliments on!

Entries must be made on her blog and received by midnight mountain time August 31st. It's super easy to enter, just take a one question survey, post a comment, and wait to see if you are the proud new owner of an upcycled belt buckle!

Another awesome thing she's doing in the new shop is giving $5.00 off any belt buckle if you send in your jar lids and mint tins for her to upcycle in to BuckleUp belt buckles.

Watch for new listings soon at!

So stay tuned, and stay safe, buckle up.

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