

Trashion Team Spotlight- Interview with Millie Hilgert of Miss Courageous!

Shop name: MissCourageous

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Trashion materials:

old vinyl records, bottle caps, game pieces, cork, cassette tapes, mint tins, jar lids, reclaimed wallpaper & textile samples, etc...

What do you transform them into?

"pop" jewelry & accessories (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, belt buckles, key chains)

How do you do it?

the vinyl is carefully handcut into fun shapes for pendants and earrings. The game tiles are adorned with found images, paper, or reclaimed wallpaper samples and turned into reversible bracelets and pendants or scrabble tile earrings that swivel while you wear them. Bottle caps have images set into them and are filled with resin, they become pendants, rings and rey chains. The jar lids and altoid tins become belt buckles protected with resin.

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?

I've been turning "garbage" into something else as long as I can remember. I would look at something that my mom was throwing out and try to think of what I could transorm it into. I was also the recipient of hand-me-downs from the next door neighbor and I would transform the t-shirts to make them "mine".

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?

I'm currently working on new belt buckle designs using record vinyl and cassette tapes. I've been coating puzzle pieces and cork slices in resin. I've got some old bicicyle parts coming and I'll be doing some new shapes for the record vinyl necklaces soon. I'm also planning some things with other discarded design samles, laminate chips and other fun stuff. I've always got about 6 products going at once.

Why should people buy handmade, and buy from trashion?
Because you can't find anything mass produced that has as much heart or character in it as something that was handmade. We need to support independent artists and reduce what's entering the landfills. Trashion lets you accomplish both those things at once and get something that is totally unique and utterly cool.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I'm so glad that trashion is catching on, we all need to find ways to be more environmentally friendly and this is also a way to be fashionable and creative. Younger people seem to be especially receptive to it, they love the fact that everything I make used to be something else. I do encounter a few people who are appalled by the recycled record vinyl, but then I assure them that I do not use rare or valuable records and they are okay with it. I even used scratched and warped records.

Thank you for sharing your creative and diverse work with us Millie!


  1. "Carefully handcut" indeed! These are really very cool and very nicely done. Thanks for sharin'!

  2. Good blog and sentiments. Love the vinyl jewelry - great idea and fab colors
