

Trashion team spotlight - Interview: Heartfeltbaby

Shop name: Heartfeltbaby
Shop address:

Tell us a bit about yourself :

My name is Anna Tumas. I was born and raised in Germany. I reside now in New Jersey with my husband of 23 years. I have two wonderful children; my son is a senior in College, my daughter a senior in High School.

Trashion materials:

The material for my baby creations are pure wool sweaters painstakingly acquired at yard sales and thrift stores. I add vintage lace, ribbon and buttons for embellishments

I transform them into: Mainly baby and children’s clothing, however, I also make scarves for adults, cell phone holders (with sweater pieces too small to make clothing) and Christmas stockings (with sweaters too thick to use any other way)

How do you do it?
The sweaters are boiled for maximal shrinkage, cut apart, reassembled and embellished with vintage trim and buttons. Each sweater is unique and completely done by hand with much love to detail. Quality is paramount.

What inspired you to do this and why are you involved in trashion?
I love the fact that I create something new from something discarded by others. We are such a wasteful society that it fills me with pleasure to do something to counterbalance this.

All the members of trashion create something new from something old, it is nice to belong to a like-minded group

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?
What was it?

I made a baby sweater for my sister-in-laws first baby. I gave it as a shower gift and everybody flipped out.

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
I started to make hats. I just want to do what I do best – create.

Why should people buy handmade, and buy from trashion?
We mass-produce enough worthless stuff, using up all the earth’s resources. This is a step into the right direction.

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