Sunday at the EtsyLabs in Brooklyn, trashion street team member Hello Knitty (http://helloknitty.etsy.com/) will lead a class on how to crochet and knit plastic bags!
If you check out her shop, you'll see all the fab creations Hello Knitty makes with the world's overabundance of plastic bags. But on Sunday, you'll get some tips and instruction from this master. Come out learning how to
make accessories and housewares.

Please check out this class listing to sign up: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7072134
Have a safe trip and see you at EtsyLabs!
well, "hello knitty" wish i could come... any chance there will be someone there with a video cam? so we can all watch along afterward... this is a skill i've been wanting to try for a while now...