

EyePopArt on HGTV!

Check out this awesome news from member

"Please tune in to HGTV this Wednesday night, September 21, at 5:00 pm ET/PT for the show "Look What I Did!" This show is about "homeowners who break the design mold." There will be a segment featuring me and my house! My show is called "Psychedelic in Portland" and it will give you a close up view of my master bedroom/art studio that is filled with colorful mandala murals. I believe there will also be a part where I demo some of the upcycling work I do with vinyl records - you might see me either painting one, or shaping one into a bowl, or maybe even both, I don't know!I am really excited about this as I have waited two years to see it so I hope you guys will watch it and let me know what you think!More info on my blog at you!ChristineEye Pop Art"

Be sure to tune in!

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