

Trashion team spotlight - Interview : Miggipyn

Shop name: Miggipyn

Shop address:

In a nutshell:
I love to rescue used items (from thrift stores, yard sales, and
friends trash piles) and giving them a new life -- whether it's
remaking a pair of jeans into a skirt, embellishing tees, bags and
other clothes, fixing and remaking broken jewelry, or
painting/collaging all over the funky knick knacks I've found.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Diane Wade, Brooklyn, NY (Bushwick)

At the moment, I am self-employed, struggling to make a living by
creating and reselling rescued items. I have an E-bay store where I
sell used clothes, as well as my Etsy store where I sell my own

Trashion materials:

fabric, newspaper, jewelry, found objects, and
whatever else i run across that appeals to me

I transform them into:
Primarily, I take thrift store clothes which are sometimes damaged
(torn, ripped, stained) and i repair them and cover the repair with
applique or other embellishment.

I also remake jewelry from broken jewelry bits

and I LOVE to use painted newspaper to collage on functional items -
boxes, purses, tape rolls (for bangles), etc ...

Oh - and I'm working on using up fabric scraps through smaller
projects such as bookmarks, coasters, bags, headbands, etc ...

How do you do it?
with a lot of glue, thread, fabric, paper, beads, sequins and buttons.
Give me these things and a pair of scissors and a needle and I am
guaranteed to have LOTS of fun :)

What inspired you to do this and why are you involved in trashion?
My mom and grandma both re-used and re-made things

Do you remember the first thing you made using the trashion concept?
What was it?

I remember being VERY small - 7 years old? maybe a little younger? and
my grandmother would take me to the cemetery next to the church where
my grandfather was a preacher. We would take the discarded, faded
plastic flowers home and she would let me paint and glitter them back
into new life. There were vases of these flowers all OVER her house!!
:). She also taught me to paint and glitter up these strange dried
brown flower seed pods that could found all over her yard in
Mississippi (we called them "Devil's Claws" - i don't know what they
are really called :)

What are your current projects and what is on the horizon?
I'm working on smaller projects right now - such as bookmarks, key
chains, coasters and other small art projects. I'm also trying to
find new ways to use up all of those plastic grocery bags that my
roommates keep bringing home!

Why should people buy handmade, and buy from trashion?

Because handmade and trashion items inspire people to use their own
creativity and look at items in a new way. I LOVE it when people ask
me to show them HOW i made things, because then I know they are
thinking of going home and trying it, too.

1 comment:

  1. Miggipyn,

    I love your creations :). You are a real inspiration for me to get back to my sewing machine and to continue making trashion items.

    Kae of Kae1Crafts
