

the inspiring beauty of trashion


found objects necklace by lakeeriebeachglass
vintage fabric wrap skirt by TheGarbologistsWife
sprite hood by fairytalefibers
remade high waist skirt by fisheye
linen pillow cover by ErnstandThistle
yearbook sticker pack by samann1121
make a list recycled notebooks by remaker
chocolate strawberry wrapper bracelet by CandyCalamity
cloudy day cuff by buttercupbloom


beauty. i find it inspiring. energizing. uplifting.

is there anything more beautiful than our wonderful planet, and working hard to make it well? i think not!

so imagine my joy when handmade trashion artists create. something i just adore about recyclers is their passion & love for our world. and their creative joy that bursts forth as they take trash and weave their magic, turning it into something reborn, so lovely and beautiful.

for me, one of the greatest joys of trashion-ing is seeing something renewed as newly beautiful. a re-creation of something trashed into something inspiring. it gives me hope that there is a beautiful, hopeful, greener world ahead for us.

i just love exploring the beauty of things trashion.

it's not garbage. it's the beautiful, inspiring future.
it's not junk. it's remade into treasure.

i encourage you to explore for yourself. our trashion team is full of beautiful artists, making beautiful creations. renewing the world one old wrapper, well-loved bedsheet or repurposed tire @ a time.

that's real beauty: finding the inner-beauty of something tossed away; discarded.

take a stroll in the beautiful world of trashion and be inspired.
i always am!

Submitted by kristal of rikrak - this week's guest blogger.
If you'd like to be guest blogger- contact Lori of Fisheye.


  1. I could sit and watch the slideshows at our new Ning group
    So much beauty in such a little space :)

  2. So much for trashion looking ... well, "trashy" .... these are all so beautiful and make a lovely collage of pics.

    Elegant, even. Great job!
